Welcome to my website
Are you one of the people who are fascinated by their dreams, in wonder about the richness of the images and stories they are given at night?
And are you also a seeker, sensing a deeper meaning behind your life's circumstances and looking for the tracks of this inner knowing?
Then spiritual dreamwork could be for you!
Spiritual dreamwork can help you find your own personal path to the meaning of your life, because your dreams are an expression of your own inner wisdom; they are unique and give you the necessary guidance at just the right moment. Maybe this is the day you will decide to enter that path.
Practical Information
I offer spiritual dreamwork in individual sessions, by phone, skype or zoom.
An individual session lasts from one to one and a half hours and can take place at regular intervals or whenever you had a dream which calls for your attention. This can be once a week or just a few times per year.
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